After our arrival in the morning, the first company visit was scheduled in the afternoon and it was a very impressive event. We visited Maruti Suzuki, one of the biggest producers for automobiles in the world. Various experts of the product chain explained how they could grow from a production of about 700 000 vehicles a year to 1.2 billion. The growth rates were realised thanks to the growth of the Indian economy and the very high quality standard of Maruti Suzuki vehicles. They adapted various process concepts from all over the world to the Indian culture. It was impressive to see how the managers felt responsible to bring India to the top of the world and how much effort they invested to achieve this aim. Walking through the plant, we realized how many cars they’re making and how fast they are in it. There are thousands of people acting in a well organised and comparably small area, producing and assembling a vehicle every 12 seconds!

In the evening, we enjoyed an excellent dinner at the hotel restaurant. It is the perfect end for our first day in India. Now we all need some sleep for the upcoming days.

Luca Pibri, Stefan Philippi

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